All posts by BDF

The commemoration of the 70th anniversary of the outbreak of World War II in Wyszków

The film “Messerschmitts over Kamienna” was screened at the Wyszków Culture Center HUTNIK as part of the commemoration of the anniversary of the outbreak of the war. With great joy and emotion, we noted the presence of a hero from the 1939 battles, the protagonist of the film – Colonel Pilot Włodzimierz Gedymin – among the audience. It is a great honor for us, and we are pleased that through this film, we could directly pay tribute to a defender of the Fatherland.płk.


Association of Circles of the 1st Armored Division

It was an honor for us to be in touch with Mr. Zygmunt E. Haas – a Maczek Brigade member and soldier of the 1st Armored Division. With joy, we provided a dedicated copy of the film “Eksperyment Nowy Wiśnicz” for the Association of Circles of the 1st Armored Division and the Local Circle “Gdańsk”.